
Microsoft Kinect

Windows Kinect Sensor 包含

  • RGB相机
    An RGB camera that stores three channel data in a 1280x960 resolution. This makes capturing a color image possible.
  • IR红外发射器和深度传感器
    An infrared (IR) emitter and an IR depth sensor. The emitter emits infrared light beams and the depth sensor reads the IR beams reflected back to the sensor. The reflected beams are converted into depth information measuring the distance between an object and the sensor. This makes capturing a depth image possible.
  • 麦克风阵列
    A multi-array microphone, which contains four microphones for capturing sound. Because there are four microphones, it is possible to record audio as well as find the location of the sound source and the direction of the audio wave.
  • 3轴加速计
    A 3-axis accelerometer configured for a 2G range, where G is the acceleration due to gravity. It is possible to use the accelerometer to determine the current orientation of the Kinect.


Kinect Array Specifications

Viewing angle 43° vertical by 57° horizontal field of view
Vertical tilt range ±27°
Frame rate (depth and color stream) 30 frames per second (FPS)
Audio format 16-kHz, 24-bit mono pulse code modulation (PCM)
Audio input characteristics A four-microphone array with 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and Kinect-resident signal processing including acoustic echo cancellation and noise suppression
Accelerometer characteristics A 2G/4G/8G accelerometer configured for the 2G range, with a 1° accuracy upper limit.

The resolution of the depth stream is dependent on the frame rate, and is specified by the DepthImageFormat Enumeration enumeration. Similarly, the resolution of the color stream is specified by the ColorImageFormat Enumeration enumeration.

See the depth space range section to see the depth data ranges as well as values for out-of-range data.

Intel RealSense

Intel RealSense Camera R200

Operating Range (Min-Max)
0.5m - 3.5m
